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15959-93-0 $$$$ Data
M. F. C4H6F3NO2
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar L13131 external link add substance-737014 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 001212 external link add substance-6698 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific PC1100A external link add substance-104766 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 353083 external link academic database
M. W. 157.0911496
CAS 15959-93-0
Similarity N/A
159465-27-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C9H12BrNO
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Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 560197 external link add substance-324557 to cart
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar L19874 external link add substance-713683 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 001800 external link add substance-7135 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2735581 external link academic database
M. W. 230.10168
CAS 159465-27-7
Similarity N/A
15952-61-1 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C8H5ClO3
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MP Biomedicals icon MP Biomedicals 05211849 external link add substance-135952 to cart
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar L06486 external link add substance-735286 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 008157 external link add substance-11425 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 140014 external link academic database
M. W. 184.5765
CAS 15952-61-1
Similarity N/A
159589-70-5 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C12H16N2O2
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Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 011682 external link add substance-14380 to cart
Maybridge icon Maybridge CC36001 external link add substance-118009 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR1405 external link add substance-79974 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 1120459 external link academic database
M. W. 220.26764
CAS 159589-70-5
Similarity N/A
15953-45-4 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C4H5ClN2
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ChemBridge Corporation icon ChemBridge 4029847 external link add substance-755335 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 027361 external link add substance-25074 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD103521
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 316061 external link academic database
M. W. 116.5489
CAS 15953-45-4
Similarity N/A
15953-73-8 $$$$ Data
M. F. C5H7ClN2
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ChemBridge Corporation icon ChemBridge 4031505 external link add substance-755753 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 027392 external link add substance-25105 to cart
InterBioScreen icon InterBioScreen BB_SC-8867 external link add substance-167274 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 673688 external link academic database
M. W. 130.57548
CAS 15953-73-8
Similarity N/A
1594-58-7 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C6H7N3O
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Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 542814 external link add substance-326761 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 032540 external link add substance-30181 to cart
Key Organics Ltd icon Key Organics FA-0709 external link add substance-146479 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 5372334 external link academic database
M. W. 137.13928
CAS 1594-58-7
Similarity N/A
159611-02-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C22H19NO5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 054758 external link add substance-51520 to cart
Key Organics Ltd icon Key Organics SS-3928 external link add substance-148841 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 4584639 external link academic database
M. W. 377.38996
CAS 159611-02-6
Similarity N/A
159610-82-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C26H23NO4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 054761 external link add substance-51523 to cart
Key Organics Ltd icon Key Organics SS-3922 external link add substance-148835 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 6089170 external link academic database
M. W. 413.46512
CAS 159610-82-9
Similarity N/A
15953-83-0 $$$$ Data
M. F. C3H5ClO2S
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 057437 external link add substance-53065 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 265636 external link academic database
M. W. 140.5886
CAS 15953-83-0
Similarity N/A
15958-99-3 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C9H12N2O6
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Selleck Chemicals icon Selleck Chemicals S2029 external link add substance-783478 to cart S202 external link add substance-74172 to cart
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich U6381 external link add substance-349799 to cart U3003 external link add substance-349801 to cart U3750 external link add substance-349800 to cart (more...)
BioBioPha Co., Ltd. icon BioBioPha BBP00754
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Wikipedia.org icon Wikipedia Uridine external link academic database
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 6029 external link academic database
M. W. 244.20138
CAS 15958-99-3
Similarity N/A
159532-59-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H18N2O4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 076449 external link add substance-71414 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD18651
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 40419053 external link academic database
M. W. 230.26092
CAS 159532-59-9
Similarity N/A
15952-70-2 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C6HCl2F2NO2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 076528 external link add substance-71493 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific PC7781 external link add substance-114326 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD10039
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2774003 external link academic database
M. W. 227.9804464
CAS 15952-70-2
Similarity N/A
159589-67-0 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H8N2O2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Maybridge icon Maybridge CC32701 external link add substance-117895 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR0715 external link add substance-75527 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2795545 external link academic database
M. W. 188.18272
CAS 159589-67-0
Similarity N/A
159624-15-4 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C17H26BNO4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 594865 external link add substance-314425 to cart
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H29020 external link add substance-725441 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR10348 external link add substance-76198 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2773231 external link academic database
M. W. 319.20364
CAS 159624-15-4
Similarity N/A
159589-71-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C11H10N2O2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Maybridge icon Maybridge CC61201 external link add substance-118826 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR12217 external link add substance-78113 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 24229636 external link academic database
M. W. 202.2093
CAS 159589-71-6
Similarity N/A
$$$$ Data
M. F. C22H19NO5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 09806 external link add substance-364816 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR14652 external link add substance-80619 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 16211163 external link academic database
M. W. 377.38996
Similarity N/A
159611-02-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C22H19NO5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 00351 external link add substance-365164 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR14653 external link add substance-80620 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD18654
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2734451 external link academic database
M. W. 377.38996
CAS 159611-02-6
Similarity N/A
159613-21-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H17BO4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR7190 external link add substance-100314 to cart
A&J Pharmtech Co. Ltd. icon A&J Pharmtech AJA-O33315 external link add substance-1300337 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 4197993 external link academic database
M. W. 236.07198
CAS 159613-21-5
Similarity N/A
159503-24-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13NO2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR7486 external link add substance-100611 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 1393224 external link academic database
M. W. 227.25852
CAS 159503-24-9
Similarity N/A
159503-24-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13NO2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR7487 external link add substance-100612 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD229505
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 1393986 external link academic database
M. W. 227.25852
CAS 159503-24-9
Similarity N/A
15950-17-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C7H7ClN2O2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR9445 external link add substance-102531 to cart
Enamine LLC icon Enamine EN300-86172 external link add substance-569169 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD254666
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2736836 external link academic database
M. W. 186.59568
CAS 15950-17-1
Similarity N/A
15948-70-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C9H5F5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific PC51069 external link add substance-111420 to cart PC51070 external link add substance-111422 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 15605809 external link academic database
M. W. 208.128016
CAS 15948-70-6
Similarity N/A
159623-34-4 $$$$ Data
M. F. C7BrF13O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific PC6453 external link add substance-112905 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2776129 external link academic database
M. W. 426.9575416
CAS 159623-34-4
Similarity N/A
15962-46-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H11NO3
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Maybridge icon Maybridge BTB13561 external link add substance-116979 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 85935 external link academic database
M. W. 193.19924
CAS 15962-46-6
Similarity N/A
15958-92-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C46H65N11O12
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
MP Biomedicals icon MP Biomedicals 02152792 external link add substance-126488 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 44134586 external link academic database
M. W. 964.0748
CAS 15958-92-6
Similarity N/A
15954-91-3 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H14CdN2O8
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
MP Biomedicals icon MP Biomedicals 05213853 external link add substance-136815 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 27584 external link academic database
M. W. 402.63776
CAS 15954-91-3
Similarity N/A
15959-26-9 Data
M. F. H2O4S2
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Wikipedia.org icon Wikipedia Dithionous_acid external link academic database
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 24490 external link academic database
M. W. 130.14348
CAS 15959-26-9
Similarity N/A
15956-28-2 $$$$ Data
M. F. C4H6O4Rh
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
A&J Pharmtech Co. Ltd. icon A&J Pharmtech AJA-O3257 external link add substance-1270289 to cart
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Wikipedia.org icon Wikipedia Rhodium(II)_acetate external link academic database
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 21674 external link academic database
M. W. 220.99354
CAS 15956-28-2
Similarity N/A
159519-65-0 Data
M. F. C204H301N51O64
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
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Wikipedia.org icon Wikipedia Enfuvirtide external link academic database
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 16130199 external link academic database
M. W. 4491.87604
CAS 159519-65-0
Similarity N/A
15955-98-3 $$$$ Data
M. F. Cl4GaLi
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 736317 external link add substance-320711 to cart 451150 external link add substance-312473 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 16701583 external link academic database
M. W. 218.476
CAS 15955-98-3
Similarity N/A
15951-41-4 $$$$ Data
M. F. C7H18Cl2Si2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 390577 external link add substance-328701 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 552668 external link academic database
M. W. 229.29482
CAS 15951-41-4
Similarity N/A
15956-28-2 $$$$ Data
M. F. C8H12O8Rh2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 482285 external link add substance-337129 to cart 209058 external link add substance-330741 to cart 83725 external link add substance-363731 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 11123095 external link academic database
M. W. 441.98708
CAS 15956-28-2
Similarity N/A
15950-66-0 $$$$ Data
M. F. C6H3Cl3O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 153478 external link add substance-338663 to cart 33393 external link add substance-363153 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 27582 external link academic database
M. W. 197.44642
CAS 15950-66-0
Similarity N/A
159490-55-8 $$$$ Data
M. F. C16H14O3
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 32673 external link add substance-361029 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 12380743 external link academic database
M. W. 254.28056
CAS 159490-55-8
Similarity N/A
159631-29-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C24H16F5NO4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 00233 external link add substance-362541 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 16211000 external link academic database
M. W. 477.380156
CAS 159631-29-5
Similarity N/A
159610-82-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C26H23NO4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 00352 external link add substance-365016 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 7006540 external link academic database
M. W. 413.46512
CAS 159610-82-9
Similarity N/A
16331-96-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C20H20N2O4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 442283 external link add substance-366697 to cart 442283 external link add substance-370234 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 85986 external link academic database
M. W. 352.3838
CAS 16331-96-7
Similarity N/A
159496-13-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H13N5O4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Toronto Research Chemicals icon TRC A280402 external link add substance-373056 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 71313037 external link academic database
M. W. 272.20459419
CAS 159496-13-6
Similarity N/A
15959-03-2 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H15NO7
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Toronto Research Chemicals icon TRC A623995 external link add substance-374273 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 85208 external link academic database
M. W. 285.25
CAS 15959-03-2
Similarity N/A
15958-99-3 $$$$ Data
M. F. C9H12N2O5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Toronto Research Chemicals icon TRC D288025 external link add substance-381615 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 46781105 external link academic database
M. W. 228.20198
CAS 15958-99-3
Similarity N/A
159471-46-2 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H12N4O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Toronto Research Chemicals icon TRC H950765 external link add substance-387944 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 71749254 external link academic database
M. W. 240.26058
CAS 159471-46-2
Similarity N/A
15962-63-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H11NO5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Enamine LLC icon Enamine EN300-04765 external link add substance-507887 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 2384269 external link academic database
M. W. 273.24084
CAS 15962-63-7
Similarity N/A
159459-52-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H12N2O2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Enamine LLC icon Enamine EN300-35764 external link add substance-539759 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 16228101 external link academic database
M. W. 192.21448
CAS 159459-52-6
Similarity N/A
15956-28-2 $$$$ Data
M. F. C8H12O8Rh2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar 10560 external link add substance-739283 to cart L15152 external link add substance-737497 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD150376
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 152122 external link academic database
M. W. 441.98708
CAS 15956-28-2
Similarity N/A
15952-65-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C11H14ClNO
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H58227 external link add substance-731837 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 639085 external link academic database
M. W. 211.68796
CAS 15952-65-5
Similarity N/A
159623-48-0 $$$$
M. F. C30H46O4
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
BioBioPha Co., Ltd. icon BioBioPha BBP01907
Database help icon Data ID
M. W. 470.68384
CAS 159623-48-0
Similarity N/A
159590-02-0 $$$$
M. F. C14H22BNO2Si
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
ChemBridge Corporation icon ChemBridge 4014475 external link add substance-752815 to cart
A&J Pharmtech Co. Ltd. icon A&J Pharmtech AJA-O34443 external link add substance-1301465 to cart
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M. W. 275.22648
CAS 159590-02-0
Similarity N/A
15957-48-9 $$$$
M. F. C12H8Cl3N3O2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
A&J Pharmtech Co. Ltd. icon A&J Pharmtech AJA-O11851 external link add substance-1278883 to cart
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M. W. 332.56982
CAS 15957-48-9
Similarity N/A
15951-21-0 $$$$
M. F. C7H11ClN2S
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
A&J Pharmtech Co. Ltd. icon A&J Pharmtech AJA-O39008 external link add substance-1306028 to cart
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M. W. 190.69364
CAS 15951-21-0
Similarity N/A