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Key Organics Ltd
Company type Chemical Vendor Adress Highfield Road Industrial Estate
Website http://www.keyorganics.co.uk City Camelford
Telephone +44 (0)1840 212137 State Cornwall
Fax Zip Code PL32 9RA
Email enquiries@keyorganics.net Country UK
A leading global provider in the supply of high quality chemical products and contract services to the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and biotechnology sectors together with related industries and applications. Key Organics has over 25 years of proven expertise and competence enabling it to become a long-term strategic partner to meet all its clients' chemistry needs. Rather than just selling compounds the primary aim of Key Organics is to provide a consistent, reliable and very high quality service, with unrivalled customer support, technical back-up, guaranteed confidentiality and outstanding performance. Key Organics, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Tennants Group, has the financial strength, coupled with modern state-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure, to remain a successful long-term player. Key Organics has a large staff of expert chemists, supported by specialist Analytical, Business Development, and Customer Support functions, to provide a seamless, high quality service unrivalled in the Industry. By solving our clients' problems through close co-operation and by maximising their return on investment in our solutions at a cost-effective price, we remain the leading innovator in the field. This focus on quality, choice, customer service and support, coupled with competitive pricing, delivers true value for money to Key Organics' clients, ensuring we are increasingly the preferred chemistry partner for many major companies.
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Data Source ID Name Data Source Type Details Count Rating
3 Key Organics Building Blocks VendorCatalog Key Organics Building Blocks Catalogue 8077 0
4 Key Organics Screening Compounds VendorCatalog 0 0