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Catalog No. Bio-0773 Name InterBioScreen
CAS Number 54965-21-8 Website http://www.ibscreen.com
M. F. C12H15N3O2S Telephone +7 49652 40091
M. W. 265.3314 Fax
Purity Email screen@ibscreen.chg.ru
Storage Chembase ID: 400


IUPAC name
methyl N-[5-(propylsulfanyl)-1H-1,3-benzodiazol-2-yl]carbamate
IUPAC Traditional name
methyl N-[5-(propylsulfanyl)-1H-1,3-benzodiazol-2-yl]carbamate


CAS Number 54965-21-8


Application(s) Anthelmintic.
Application(s) Investigated for treatment of chronic stronglyoidiasis, and for microsporidiosis in AIDS patients
Mechanism of Action Causes degenerative alterations in the tegument and intestinal cells of the worm by binding to the colchicine-sensitive site of tubulin,
Mechanism of Action thus inhibiting its polymerization or assembly into microtubules.
Mechanism of Action The loss of the cytoplasmic microtubules leads to impaired uptake of glucose by the larval and adult stages of the susceptible parasites, and depletes their glycogen stores.
Mechanism of Action Degenerative changes in the endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria of the germinal layer, and the subsequent release of lysosomes result in decreased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
Mechanism of Action which is the energy required for the survival of the helminth.
Mechanism of Action Due to diminished energy production, the parasite is immobilized and eventually dies



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