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Catalog No. Bio-0648 Name InterBioScreen
CAS Number 50-23-7 Website http://www.ibscreen.com
M. F. C21H30O5 Telephone +7 49652 40091
M. W. 362.4599 Fax
Purity Email screen@ibscreen.chg.ru
Storage Chembase ID: 621


IUPAC name
IUPAC Traditional name
Reichstein's Substance M;Cortef
Kendall's compound F


CAS Number 50-23-7


Application(s) Topical antiinflammatory agent
Application(s) Antiallergic
Application(s) Immunosuppressive
Biological Source Adrenal cortical hormone
Mechanism of Action Glucocorticoid
Mechanism of Action ACTH secretion inhibitor
Mechanism of Action Phosphorus mobilizer
Mechanism of Action Gluconeogenesis promoter
Mechanism of Action Glycogen deposition inhibitor
Mechanism of Action Calcium mobilizer



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