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Catalog No. Bio-0237 Name InterBioScreen
CAS Number 84-79-7 Website http://www.ibscreen.com
M. F. C15H14O3 Telephone +7 49652 40091
M. W. 242.26986 Fax
Purity Email screen@ibscreen.chg.ru
Storage Chembase ID: 103371


IUPAC name
IUPAC Traditional name
Lapachoic acid
Taiguic acid


CAS Number 84-79-7


Application(s) Anticancer activity
Application(s) Antibacterial
Application(s) Antifungal agent
Application(s) Anticoagulant
Biological Source Widespread occurrence in the plant world, particularly in heartwood, bark and roots, e.g. the Bignoniaceae and various Tabebuia, Tecomella and Tectona spp.
Mechanism of Action Inhibitor of DNA replication and RNA synthesis



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