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(2S,3S,4S,5R)-3-amino-2,4,5,6-tetrahydroxyhexanal hydrochloride $$$$ Data
M. F. C6H14ClNO5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR0400T external link add substance-75240 to cart
Database help icon Data ID
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 53470801 external link academic database
M. W. 215.63206
CAS 69880-85-9
Similarity N/A
(4S,5S)-4-amino-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-2,3,5-triol hydrochloride $$$$ Data
M. F. C6H14ClNO5
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Toronto Research Chemicals icon TRC A604000 external link add substance-373676 to cart K139500 external link add substance-389163 to cart
Database help icon Data ID
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 46780244 external link academic database
M. W. 215.63206
CAS 69880-85-9
Similarity N/A