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3-aminopyridin-4-ol $$$$ Data More
M. F. C5H6N2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H27205 external link add substance-724741 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 054395 external link add substance-51165 to cart
Apollo Scientific  Ltd icon Apollo Scientific OR3719 external link add substance-94594 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 233392 external link academic database
M. W. 110.11394
CAS 33631-05-9
Similarity N/A
3-amino-1,4-dihydropyridin-4-one $$$$ Data
M. F. C5H6N2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD9596
Database help icon Data ID
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 233392 external link academic database
M. W. 110.11394
CAS 6320-39-4
Similarity N/A