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Catalog No. S1825 Name Selleck Chemicals
CAS Number 84611-23-4 Website http://www.selleckchem.com
M. F. C8H11NO4S2 Telephone (877) 796-6397
M. W. 249.30724 Fax (832) 582-8590
Purity Email sales@selleckchem.com
Storage -20°C Chembase ID: 73219


IUPAC name
2-({[(2-oxothiolan-3-yl)carbamoyl]methyl}sulfanyl)acetic acid
IUPAC Traditional name


CAS Number 84611-23-4


Salt Data Free Base
Storage Condition -20°C


Description (English)
Research Area: Cancer
Biological Activity:
Erdosteine is a mucolytic which is used in treatment of excessive viscous mucus. Erdosteine belongs to a class of medicines called expectorants. Erdosteine is a homocysteine-derived expectorant which experiences metabolic conversion to produce a thiol containing compound that has free radical scavenging and mucolytic activity. Erdosteine is used for acute episodes of bronchitis where there is a buildup of sticky mucus in the chest. Specifically erdosteine is a thiol derivative developed for the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis, including acute infective exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Erdosteine works by helping to break down mucus secretions. This helps to make mucus runnier and less sticky. This means that it is easier to clear the mucus from the chest. Erdosteine contains two blocked sulfhydryl groups which are released following first-pass metabolism. The three active metabolites exhibit mucolytic and free radical scavenging activity. Erdosteine regulates mucus production and viscosity and increases mucociliary transport, thereby improving expectoration. Erdosteine also reveals inhibitory activity against the effects of free radicals produced by cigarette smoke. Erdosteine significantly inhibited citric acid-induced cough reflexes in guinea-pigs but did not suppress mechanical stimuli-induced cough reflexes. On the other hand, erdosteine is associated with a low incidence of adverse events, most of which are gastrointestinal and generally mild. The LD50 of erdosteine is very high ranging from 3,500 to 5,000 mg/kg. [1] References on Erdosteine[1] Drugs., 1996 Dec, 52(6):875-81


  • Dechant KL et al. Drugs. 1996 Dec;52(6):875-81