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Catalog No. DB00159 Name DrugBank
CAS Number 10417-94-4 Website http://www.ualberta.ca/
M. F. C20H30O2 Telephone (780) 492-3111
M. W. 302.451 Fax (780) 492-1071
Purity Email david.wishart@ualberta.ca
Storage Chembase ID: 45


IUPAC name
(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z)-icosa-5,8,11,14,17-pentaenoic acid
IUPAC Traditional name
Timnodonic acid
Eicosapentaenoic acid
Icosapentaenoic acid


PubChem SID 46506267
CAS Number 10417-94-4
PubChem CID 446284


Hydrophobicity(logP) 6.1


Description (English)
Item Information
Drug Groups approved; nutraceutical
Description Important polyunsaturated fatty acid found in fish oils. It serves as the precursor for the prostaglandin-3 and thromboxane-3 families. A diet rich in eicosapentaenoic acid lowers serum lipid concentration, reduces incidence of cardiovascular disorders, prevents platelet aggregation, and inhibits arachidonic acid conversion into the thromboxane-2 and prostaglandin-2 families. [PubChem]
Indication EPA can be used for lowering elevated triglycerides in those who are hyperglyceridemic. In addition, EPA may play a therapeutic role in patients with cystic fibrosis by reducing disease severity and may play a similar role in type 2 diabetics in slowing the progression of diabetic nephropathy.
Pharmacology Eicosanoids are chemical messengers derived from 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids that play critical roles in immune and inflammatory responses. Both 20-carbon omega-6 fatty acids (arachidonic acid) and 20-carbon omega-3 fatty acids (EPA) can be found in cell membranes. During an inflammatory response, arachidonic acid and EPA are metabolized by enzymes known as cyclooxygenases and lipoxygenases to form eicosanoids. Increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake increases the EPA content of cell membranes and decreases the arachidonic acid content, resulting in higher proportions of eicosanoids derived from EPA. Physiologic responses to arachidonic acid-derived eicosanoids differ from responses to EPA-derived eicosanoids. In general, eicosanoids derived from EPA are less potent inducers of inflammation, blood vessel constriction, and clotting than eicosanoids derived from arachidonic acid.
Affected Organisms
Humans and other mammals
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