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Fumaric Acid Monomethyl Ester_Molecular_structure_CAS_2756-87-8)
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Fumaric Acid Monomethyl Ester

Catalog No. F500390 Name Toronto Research Chemicals
CAS Number 2756-87-8 Website http://www.trc-canada.com
M. F. C5H6O4 Telephone +1 (416) 665-9696
M. W. 130.09874 Fax +1 (416) 665-4439
Purity Email info@trc-canada.com
Storage Chembase ID: 90366


IUPAC name
(2E)-4-methoxy-4-oxobut-2-enoic acid
IUPAC Traditional name
(2E)-4-methoxy-4-oxobut-2-enoic acid
Methyl Hydrogen Fumarate
Monomethyl Fumarate
(E)-2-Butenedioic Acid Monomethyl Ester
Fumaric Acid Methyl Ester
(2E)-2-Butenedioic Acid 1-Methyl Ester


CAS Number 2756-87-8


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Description (English)
Fumaric Acid Monomethyl Ester is one of the most bioactive anti-psoriatic fumaric acid ester metabolite. Fumaric Acid Monomethyl Ester is potent nicotinic acid receptor agonist. Fumaric Acid Monomethyl Ester has also been shown to selectively stimulate of


  • Tang, H. et al.: Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 375, 562 (2008)
  • Litjens, N.H.R. et al.: Br. J. Dermatol., 154, 211 (2008)
  • de Jong, R. et al.: Eur. J. Immunol., 26, 2067 (2008)