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Ammonium acetate_Molecular_structure_CAS_631-61-8)
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Ammonium acetate

Catalog No. 73432 Name Sigma Aldrich
CAS Number 631-61-8 Website http://www.sigmaaldrich.com
M. F. C2H7NO2 Telephone 1-800-521-8956
M. W. 77.08248 Fax
Purity ≥99.9995% (metals basis) Email
Storage Chembase ID: 125809


IUPAC name
acetic acid amine
IUPAC Traditional name
acetic acid amine


MDL Number MFCD00013066
EC Number 211-162-9
PubChem SID 24886554
CAS Number 631-61-8
Beilstein Number 4186741


Personal Protective Equipment Eyeshields, Gloves, type N95 (US), type P1 (EN143) respirator filter
RTECS AF3675000
German water hazard class 1
MSDS Link Download
Antion Traces chloride (Cl-): ≤5 mg/kg
Antion Traces nitrate (NO3-): ≤10 mg/kg
Antion Traces sulfate (SO42-): ≤10 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ag: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Al: ≤0.05 mg/kg
Cation Traces As: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Au: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ba: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Be: ≤0.005 mg/kg
Cation Traces Bi: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ca: ≤2 mg/kg
Cation Traces Cd: ≤0.005 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ce: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Co: ≤0.005 mg/kg
Cation Traces Cr: ≤0.05 mg/kg
Cation Traces Cs: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Cu: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Dy: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Er: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Eu: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Fe: ≤0.2 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ga: ≤0.005 mg/kg
Cation Traces Gd: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ge: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Hf: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Hg: ≤0.005 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ho: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces In: ≤0.005 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ir: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces K: ≤0.2 mg/kg
Cation Traces La: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Li: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Lu: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Mg: ≤0.1 mg/kg
Cation Traces Mn: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Mo: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Na: ≤0.5 mg/kg
Cation Traces Nb: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Nd: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ni: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Os: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Pb: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Pd: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Pr: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Pt: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Rb: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Re: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Rh: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ru: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Sb: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Sc: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Se: ≤0.05 mg/kg
Cation Traces Sm: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Sn: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Sr: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ta: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Tb: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Te: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Th: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Ti: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Tl: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Tm: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces U: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces V: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces W: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Y: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Yb: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Cation Traces Zn: ≤0.05 mg/kg
Cation Traces Zr: ≤0.01 mg/kg
Grade TraceSELECT®
Impurities ≤50 mg/kg KMnO4 red. matter (as O)
Linear Formula CH3CO2NH4
Purity ≥99.9995% (metals basis)
Apperance solid
Melting Point 110-112 °C (dec.)(lit.)


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