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Tris Acetate-EDTA buffer_Molecular_structure_CAS_)
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Tris Acetate-EDTA buffer

Catalog No. T4948 Name Sigma Aldrich
CAS Number Website http://www.sigmaaldrich.com
M. F. C16H31N3O13 Telephone 1-800-521-8956
M. W. 473.42964 Fax
Purity Email
Storage Chembase ID: 153118


Tris 乙酸盐 EDTA 缓冲液
IUPAC name
2-({2-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino]ethyl}(carboxymethyl)amino)acetic acid; 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol; acetic acid
IUPAC Traditional name
acetic acid; edta; tris buffer
TAE 缓冲液
TAE buffer


MDL Number MFCD00236357


Grade for molecular biology
Impurities DNase, RNase, Protease, none detected
Impurities bioburden, tested
Impurities endotoxin, tested
Impurities ≤5 ppm heavy metals (asPb)
Product Line BioReagent
Quality Level GMP
Sterility sterile; 0.2 μm filtered
Suitability suitable for electrophoresis
Suitability suitable for gel electrophoresis (after dilution to working concentration)
MSDS Link Download
German water hazard class 3


Description (English)
TAE running buffer is the most commonly used buffer for DNA agarose gel electrophoresis but is also used for non-denaturing RNA agarose gel electrophoresis.1 Double-stranded DNA tends to run faster in TAE than in other buffers but can also become exhausted during extended electrophoresis. Buffer circulation or buffer replacement during extended electrophoresis can remedy the lower buffering capacity.2 Dilution of the concentrated TAE buffer produces a 1× TAE buffer with 40 mM Tris-acetate and 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.3. The 1× TAE buffer is used both in the agarose gel and as a running buffer. Applied voltages of less than 5 V/cm (distance between the electrodes of the unit) are recommended for maximum resolution.
Preparation Note
Prepared with Biotechnology Performance Certified Trizma base (T6066) and Molecular Biology Reagent EDTA disodium salt (E5134). Solutions also contain acetic acid (A6283); powdered blend contains Trizma acetate (T1258).
Description (简体中文)
TAE 电泳缓冲液是 DNA 琼脂糖凝胶电泳最常用的缓冲液,还用于非变性 RNA 琼脂糖凝胶电泳。1双链 DNA 在 TAE 中往往比在其他缓冲液中移动得更快,但在长时电泳期间也会因缓冲液离子耗尽而无法泳动。在长时电泳期间进行缓冲液循环或缓冲液更换可弥补较低的缓冲能力。2稀释浓缩的 TAE 缓冲液得到 1× TAE 缓冲液,含有 40mM Tris 乙酸盐和 1mM EDTA,pH 为 8.3。1× TAE 缓冲液既可用于琼脂糖凝胶中,也可用作电泳缓冲液。为达到最大分辨率,建议外加电压低于 5V/cm(单位电极间的距离)。
Preparation Note
采用经生物技术性能认证的 Trizma 碱 (T6066) 和分子生物学试剂 EDTA (E5134) 制备。溶液还含有乙酸 (A6283);粉末状混合物含有 Trizma 醋酸盐 (T1258)。