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101947-16-4 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C16H19F17O3Si
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Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 658758 external link add substance-320671 to cart
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar L16585 external link add substance-737781 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 002221 external link add substance-7438 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 145374 external link academic database
M. W. 610.3786144
CAS 101947-16-4
Similarity N/A
101938-10-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H16N2
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ChemBridge Corporation icon ChemBridge 4010340 external link add substance-751923 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 020658 external link add substance-18736 to cart
Enamine LLC icon Enamine EN300-105931 external link add substance-515730 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 6484155 external link academic database
M. W. 212.29024
CAS 101938-10-7
Similarity N/A
1019456-17-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C5H6ClN3OS
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ChemBridge Corporation icon ChemBridge 4029870 external link add substance-755342 to cart
Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 040522 external link add substance-37987 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 25220608 external link academic database
M. W. 191.63864
CAS 1019456-17-7
Similarity N/A
1019388-11-4 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H14N2O2
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Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 052918 external link add substance-49724 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 43176705 external link academic database
M. W. 194.23036
CAS 1019388-11-4
Similarity N/A
1019388-25-0 $$$$ Data
M. F. C10H14N2O2
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Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 052944 external link add substance-49750 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28400039 external link academic database
M. W. 194.23036
CAS 1019388-25-0
Similarity N/A
1019461-36-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H10N2O2
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Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 053152 external link add substance-49958 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28399937 external link academic database
M. W. 214.22
CAS 1019461-36-9
Similarity N/A
1019452-63-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C11H14N2O3
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Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 053204 external link add substance-50010 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 43176762 external link academic database
M. W. 222.24046
CAS 1019452-63-1
Similarity N/A
1019461-35-8 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H16N2O2
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Matrix Scientific icon Matrix Scientific 053230 external link add substance-50036 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28399933 external link academic database
M. W. 220.26764
CAS 1019461-35-8
Similarity N/A
1019-45-0 $$$$ Data More
M. F. C13H18N2O
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Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich M2381 external link add substance-347197 to cart
Maybridge icon Maybridge AC11641 external link add substance-116407 to cart
Toronto Research Chemicals icon TRC M262475 external link add substance-390373 to cart
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Wikipedia.org icon Wikipedia 5-MeO-DMT external link academic database
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 1832 external link academic database
M. W. 218.29482
CAS 1019-45-0
Similarity N/A
101-94-0 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H14O2
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Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich W307718 external link add substance-343033 to cart
MP Biomedicals icon MP Biomedicals 05203158 external link add substance-132031 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 60997 external link academic database
M. W. 226.27046
CAS 101-94-0
Similarity N/A
10193-98-3 $$$$ Data
M. F. C11H18O6S3
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MP Biomedicals icon MP Biomedicals 05223721 external link add substance-140291 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 82440 external link academic database
M. W. 342.45202
CAS 10193-98-3
Similarity N/A
101-93-9 Data
M. F. C18H22N2O2
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Wikipedia.org icon Wikipedia Phenacaine external link academic database
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 7588 external link academic database
M. W. 298.37948
CAS 101-93-9
Similarity N/A
1019-52-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C7H4N2O7
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Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 368296 external link add substance-309645 to cart
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar B22474 external link add substance-721574 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 70552 external link academic database
M. W. 228.11586
CAS 1019-52-9
Similarity N/A
10193-96-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H20O6S3
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 381497 external link add substance-312674 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 82439 external link academic database
M. W. 356.4786
CAS 10193-96-1
Similarity N/A
10193-99-4 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H20O8S4
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Sigma Aldrich icon Sigma Aldrich 381470 external link add substance-313019 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 82441 external link academic database
M. W. 432.5531
CAS 10193-99-4
Similarity N/A
1019383-16-4 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H11ClN2O
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57654 external link add substance-731506 to cart
Enamine LLC icon Enamine EN300-95465 external link add substance-575450 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28375984 external link academic database
M. W. 246.69224
CAS 1019383-16-4
Similarity N/A
1019443-66-3 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H16F3NO
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Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD227955
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 43824855 external link academic database
M. W. 259.2674496
CAS 1019443-66-3
Similarity N/A
1019492-41-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H16FN
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57960 external link add substance-731695 to cart
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD230617
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28479340 external link academic database
M. W. 229.2926432
CAS 1019492-41-1
Similarity N/A
1019446-40-2 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H9BrF2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD231568
Database help icon Data ID
PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28369548 external link academic database
M. W. 299.1107664
CAS 1019446-40-2
Similarity N/A
1019446-41-3 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H9BrF2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Bide Pharmatech Ltd. icon Bide Pharmatech BD231569
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28369552 external link academic database
M. W. 299.1107664
CAS 1019446-41-3
Similarity N/A
1019565-39-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H14FNO
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56031 external link add substance-730865 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28438440 external link academic database
M. W. 231.2654632
CAS 1019565-39-9
Similarity N/A
1019565-78-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H16FN
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56193 external link add substance-730910 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28422372 external link academic database
M. W. 229.2926432
CAS 1019565-78-6
Similarity N/A
1019490-81-3 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H16FNO
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56212 external link add substance-730916 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 73996218 external link academic database
M. W. 245.2920432
CAS 1019490-81-3
Similarity N/A
1019518-40-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H11F2N
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56251 external link add substance-730926 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28455957 external link academic database
M. W. 219.2299464
CAS 1019518-40-1
Similarity N/A
1019547-45-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H10F3N
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56295 external link add substance-730939 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28453991 external link academic database
M. W. 237.2204096
CAS 1019547-45-5
Similarity N/A
1019541-39-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H11ClFN
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56539 external link add substance-731001 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28455738 external link academic database
M. W. 235.6845432
CAS 1019541-39-9
Similarity N/A
1019514-24-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H10F3N
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56772 external link add substance-731063 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28477291 external link academic database
M. W. 237.2204096
CAS 1019514-24-9
Similarity N/A
1019518-52-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H11ClFN
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H56871 external link add substance-731085 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28455995 external link academic database
M. W. 235.6845432
CAS 1019518-52-5
Similarity N/A
1019383-26-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H18ClN3O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57111 external link add substance-731176 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28375998 external link academic database
M. W. 255.74382
CAS 1019383-26-6
Similarity N/A
1019510-60-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H10F3N
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57147 external link add substance-731201 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28446500 external link academic database
M. W. 237.2204096
CAS 1019510-60-1
Similarity N/A
1019384-16-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H11ClN2O2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57149 external link add substance-731202 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28376107 external link academic database
M. W. 262.69164
CAS 1019384-16-7
Similarity N/A
1019488-75-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H16FNO2
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57180 external link add substance-731220 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28447103 external link academic database
M. W. 261.2914432
CAS 1019488-75-5
Similarity N/A
1019405-64-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H15ClN2O
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57188 external link add substance-731226 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28375972 external link academic database
M. W. 238.7133
CAS 1019405-64-1
Similarity N/A
1019384-26-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H10Cl2N2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57247 external link add substance-731261 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28376119 external link academic database
M. W. 281.1373
CAS 1019384-26-9
Similarity N/A
1019466-39-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H8BrClN2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57316 external link add substance-731300 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28376023 external link academic database
M. W. 311.56172
CAS 1019466-39-7
Similarity N/A
1019466-42-2 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H8ClFN2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57329 external link add substance-731306 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28376028 external link academic database
M. W. 250.6561232
CAS 1019466-42-2
Similarity N/A
1019466-21-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H15ClN2O
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Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57392 external link add substance-731346 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 43176368 external link academic database
M. W. 238.7133
CAS 1019466-21-7
Similarity N/A
1019570-78-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H16FN
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57523 external link add substance-731424 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28479702 external link academic database
M. W. 229.2926432
CAS 1019570-78-5
Similarity N/A
1019466-33-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13ClN2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57598 external link add substance-731472 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28376015 external link academic database
M. W. 260.71882
CAS 1019466-33-1
Similarity N/A
1019383-51-7 $$$$ Data
M. F. C12H8ClFN2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57605 external link add substance-731475 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28376024 external link academic database
M. W. 250.6561232
CAS 1019383-51-7
Similarity N/A
1019466-30-8 $$$$ Data
M. F. C13H17ClN2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57620 external link add substance-731486 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 43176371 external link academic database
M. W. 252.73988
CAS 1019466-30-8
Similarity N/A
1019383-36-8 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13ClN2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57687 external link add substance-731527 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28376006 external link academic database
M. W. 260.71882
CAS 1019383-36-8
Similarity N/A
1019550-62-9 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H16FNO
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57696 external link add substance-731530 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28441098 external link academic database
M. W. 245.2920432
CAS 1019550-62-9
Similarity N/A
1019493-00-5 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13F2N
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57713 external link add substance-731538 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28479797 external link academic database
M. W. 233.2565264
CAS 1019493-00-5
Similarity N/A
1019491-33-8 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13F2N
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57754 external link add substance-731564 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28478311 external link academic database
M. W. 233.2565264
CAS 1019491-33-8
Similarity N/A
1019383-76-6 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13ClN2O
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57778 external link add substance-731577 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 43176376 external link academic database
M. W. 260.71882
CAS 1019383-76-6
Similarity N/A
1019520-74-1 $$$$ Data
M. F. C14H13F2N
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57784 external link add substance-731581 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28479761 external link academic database
M. W. 233.2565264
CAS 1019520-74-1
Similarity N/A
1019542-69-8 $$$$ Data
M. F. C15H16FNO2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
Alfa Aesar icon Alfa Aesar H57820 external link add substance-731604 to cart
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PubChem Compound icon PubChem 28447096 external link academic database
M. W. 261.2914432
CAS 1019542-69-8
Similarity N/A
1019558-21-4 $$$$
M. F. C11H11N3O2
Suppliers Chembase Help Catalog Number
ChemBridge Corporation icon ChemBridge 4033462 external link add substance-756205 to cart
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M. W. 217.22394
CAS 1019558-21-4
Similarity N/A
101953-61-1 $$$$
M. F. C11H14N2O2
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A&J Pharmtech Co. Ltd. icon A&J Pharmtech AJA-O11356 external link add substance-1278388 to cart
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M. W. 206.24106
CAS 101953-61-1
Similarity N/A